Lihtsalt kasutatav kaunistuskomplekt sisaldab: 25g puhast šokolaadi; 2x torukotti. Juhised: 1) Tihendage torukott ja pange see sooja vette (umbes 45°C), et šokolaad täielikult sulaks. 2) Pühkige järelejäänud vesi ära. 3) Lõika koti nurk, et saada vajaliku suurusega sirge ümmargune auk […]
Lihtsalt kasutatav kaunistuskomplekt sisaldab: 25g puhast šokolaadi; 2x torukotti. Juhised: 1) Tihendage torukott ja pange see sooja vette (umbes 45°C), et šokolaad täielikult sulaks. 2) Pühkige järelejäänud vesi ära. 3) Lõika koti nurk, et saada vajaliku suurusega sirge ümmargune auk […]
Söödav chocotopper on kasutusvalmis kaunistus. Saate seda lihtsalt kasutada nii, nagu see on, või täiustada seda nii, nagu soovite. Topper on trükitud 3D-šokoprinteriga, muutes fondi kalligraafiliseks ja täpseks. Saate seda värvida või šokolaadiga täita, kui nimetada vaid mõnda varianti. Kohandamine: saate valida […]
Edible chocotopper is a ready to use decoration. You can simply use it as it is, or improve it the way you like. The topper is printed on 3D chocoprinter, making the font calligraphic and accurate. You can color it with glitter or velvet sprays, or with colored white chocolate, just to name a few […]
Edible chocotopper is a ready to use decoration. You can simply use it as it is, or improve it the way you like. The topper is printed on 3D chocoprinter, making the font calligraphic and accurate. You can color it with glitter or velvet sprays, or with colored white chocolate, just to name a few […]
Edible chocotopper is a ready to use decoration. You can simply use it as it is, or improve it the way you like. The topper is printed on 3D chocoprinter, making the font calligraphic and accurate. You can color it with glitter or velvet sprays, or with colored white chocolate, just to name a few […]
Edible chocotopper is a ready to use decoration. You can simply use it as it is, or improve it the way you like. The topper is printed on 3D chocoprinter, making the font calligraphic and accurate. You can color it with glitter or velvet sprays, or with colored white chocolate, just to name a few […]
Edible chocotopper is a ready to use decoration. You can simply use it as it is, or improve it the way you like. The topper is printed on 3D chocoprinter, making the font calligraphic and accurate. You can color it with glitter or velvet sprays, or with colored white chocolate, just to name a few […]